Dairy Distributors in NYC and the State of the Dairy Sector

Nick Mirev
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    Dairy products have been among the major food groups for thousands of years. Although milk is primarily associated with cows, animals like sheep, goats, and even donkeys play an important role in the dairy industry. As the biggest metropolitan area in the US, there’s a high demand for milk, various types of cheeses, yogurt, and other dairy products in Greater New York. In this post, we’ll share more about the dairy industry in New York and the top dairy distributors in NYC. If you’re a New York-based business, make sure to also check our articles on wholesale seafood in NYC, meat distributors in NYC, and coffee suppliers in New York. There you will find reliable suppliers and information about the state of these sectors.

    Key takeaway: As the city with the highest population in the US, there are multiple dairy distributors in NYC. Suppliers of meat, produce, or broadline wholesalers also offer dairy products.
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    The Dairy Industry in New York

    The dairy agricultural sector of New York has two important aspects – large demand due to the large population of the Greater New York area and a large number of dairy farms. 

    The diverse population of New York City and its metropolitan area is the main reason why a wide variety of dairy products are popular here. Naturally, products like milk and popular cheese types like cheddar, mozzarella, and American cheese are sold the most. However, specialty food stores and ethnic restaurants also partner with dairy distributors in NYC who can offer goat milk, whey products, or organic yogurt at wholesale prices.

    The upstate New York region has a well-developed dairy agriculture industry. In fact, New York is among the leading states in milk production. This has also led to the development of multiple milk-processing companies and a diverse manufacturing sector. In addition to the big commercial dairy farms, there are multiple small and family-owned farms both in New York and the nearby states. Their products have become increasingly valuable in recent years as a growing number of consumers prefer to purchase different types of meat or dairy products from small and organic farms.

    Products Sold by Dairy Distributors in NYC

    Reputable suppliers have a wide range of products in their physical and eCommerce catalogs. Nevertheless, some wholesale business owners might choose to specialize in certain product categories like milk or imported cheeses. Here are the main subcategories of dairy products offered by dairy distributors in NYC.

    1. Milk. From whole milk to low-fat milk, there’s a wide range of products in this subcategory;
    2. Cheese. Cheddar, parmesan, and Swiss cheese are examples of popular products;
    3. Butter. In addition to regular butter, dairy distributors in NYC also offer other products like ghee and margarine;
    4. Yogurt. Greek yogurt is the most popular type of yogurt in America. Plain and flavored yogurt are also used in various desserts and other dishes;
    5. Cream. Both whipping cream and sour cream are used by the restaurant industry and bakery businesses;
    6. Eggs. Are eggs considered dairy, you may ask? The answer is no. However, many dairy distributors in NYC and other cities also offer whole eggs and liquid eggs;
    7. Non-dairy products. In recent years, the popularity of plant-based milk products has increased significantly. That has led to increased demand and B2B sales of products like dairy-free yogurt alternatives, oat milk, or cashew cheese.
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    Top Dairy Distributors in NYC

    The popularity and versatility of dairy products make them one of the most important food groups for restaurant businesses and retailers. That’s why there are multiple dairy distributors in NYC. In fact, broadline distributors, wholesale meat suppliers, and other wholesalers also offer dairy products as they aim to become the one-stop shop for their customers. Check out some of the reputable dairy distributors in NYC.

    The Dairy Wagon

    In addition to the wide selection of dairy goods, the company also offers specialty products like syrups and sauces, chai concentrates, honey, and more. They also have a vast selection of dairy-free milk products.

    Known for: Their wide selection of specialty products and partnerships with some of the best dairy farms across New York, Vermont, and other states.

    Dora’s Naturals

    With more than 4000 customers across the tri-state area, Dora’s Naturals is a reliable partner for any business that wishes to find suppliers of quality dairy products. They partner with farms and manufacturers of healthy and organic food products. In addition to their distribution services, Dora’s Naturals also offers HPP (high-pressure processing) and 3PL (third-party logistics) services.

    Known for: Their natural and organic products.

    Fresco Products

    Established in 2008, Fresco Products has quickly become one of the preferred suppliers for restaurant managers and other businesses across the region. The company is proud of its exceptional customer service and the wide selection of products it distributes.

    Known for: Herbs, produce, and dairy products.

    J&J Farms Creamery

    Since 1951, J&J Farms has been one of the known dairy distributors in NYC and the tri-state region. In addition to the multiple quality brands it offers, the company has also developed a distribution network for other products such as juices, sauces, and condiments.

    Known for: Its long history in retail and wholesale sales and a wide variety of dairy wholesale products.

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    Frequently Asked Questions about Dairy Distributors in NYC

    If you’re interested in the wholesale dairy industry, you’ll find a lot of useful information on our website. From a comparison between organic vs conventional dairy to a complete guide on dairy wholesale and distribution. Below we have answered some of the common questions related to the New York dairy niche market.

    Can You Start a Dairy Business in New York?

    Yes. Starting your own company in the New York dairy sector can be a profitable endeavor. The dairy industry is well-developed and there are multiple opportunities for entrepreneurs who wish to start a dairy business. Here are some of the different types of dairy businesses you can start.

    1. Dairy farms – these enterprises are the cornerstone of the dairy industry;
    2. Dairy supplier – dairy distributors in NYC and the nearby areas have multiple opportunities as there is a large demand for such products in the Tri-State area;
    3. Milk processing – there are multiple business opportunities for dairy processing and manufacturing companies;

    Are Dairy Businesses Profitable?

    Yes. Starting a dairy business can be a hard but profitable endeavor. The main thing to consider is the type of company you plan to start. For example, you can start a dairy farm that produces organic grass-fed buffalo milk as the demand for such specialty products has increased in recent years. Alternatively, you can act as an intermediary between farms and other businesses and become one of the top dairy distributors in NYC. The opportunities are limitless.

    How Many Dairy Farms Are There in New York?

    According to 2020 statistics, there are around 3,600 dairy farms in the state. Most of them are located in upstate New York. They produce around 15 billion pounds of milk annually. This makes the dairy industry of New York one of the biggest in the country. These farms work with dairy distributors in NYC, Boston milk distributors, manufacturers of cheeses, and various other businesses. The dairy industry is the largest agricultural sector in New York’s economy. As dairy is among the main food categories, dairy farms need to answer to various regulations. Furthermore, the environmental impact of the meat and dairy industries has led to the development of new regulations targeting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

    Need Software for Dairy Distributors?

    Throughout the years, BlueCart has assisted various wholesalers and their customers. Whether you’re a dairy distributor in NYC or you have another type of supplier business, make sure to schedule a demo and examine the opportunities offered by our software.

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