eCommerce search engines exist to help ensure your customers' shopping experience is easy. With the right eCommerce search engine you’ll be able to find relevant information in the blink of an eye, including wholesale products and high demand products. However, due to the rise in eCommerce businesses there’s an overwhelming amount of search engines available. Understandably, it can be hard to sift through the masses and find one that meets your needs.
Not every search engine will lead to conversions. It’s also possible that you’ll purchase software that you never use. In order to avoid this you’ll need to understand what to look for in a search engine. From there you can narrow down your options and make the right choice.
Luckily, you're not on your own. We’re here to help you get the most out of your money and search efforts. So keep reading to learn the importance of choosing the right search engine and why it's important.

Importance of Search Engines In eCommerce
When eCommerce was still new, software like eCommerce search engines sat on the back burner. For the most part websites were easy to browse and customers found what they were looking for in no time. However, with the growth of eCommerce came the increase in product. Sites became more difficult to navigate and less user-friendly. As a result sales decreased and frustration increased.
The typical eCommerce site you see today will offer almost anything you can think of. Cars, tools, food, and even houses can be conveniently bought on a smartphone. So, the problem does not lie with availability. Instead, it’s the inability to find what you’re actually looking for.
Far too often eCommerce search engines provide users with the exact opposite of what they're looking for. Search for a brown office desk, and you get a white coffee table. Users can manipulate the keyword all they want but in the end still hit a brick wall.
So what exactly is the problem? We’ve come to find that it revolves around lack of personalization and generic search options. If a customer is using your search engine it means they’re asking for help. In a physical store this would be equivalent to asking a sales representative where they can find a pair of black shoes. How the sales rep responds will affect the outcome of the experience.
The same can be said for a customer using your eCommerce search engine. The customer is looking for relevant results. Results show that when search is used on a site users are converted at almost double the rate. So you can see how important it is to get your eCommerce search engine right. You can gain and lose a customer from the simple click of a button. No matter what product or service you’re offering, site searches are a vital part of your success. Don’t allow your customer to get lost in a sea of irrelevant results. By utilizing the tips below your customers will thank you.
Benefits of Using eCommerce Site Search
You'd be surprised to hear it, but not every eCommerce website offers users the ability to search. If you were thinking of leaving this important feature out, think again. Regardless of how simples or complex your site is, there will always be customers who turn to the search bar. Therefore, you need to make sure one exists on your site.
If you're still on the fence about this feature take a look at some of the benefits site search can provide:
- Reduces customer frustration and makes the shopping experience simple and fast
- Customers are provided with relevant results. This increases their trust in your brand.
- eCommerce personalization for a personalized shopping experience. This is one of the most important features of eCommerce. Without it chances are slim that a customer will stay on your site.
- Helpful for data collection
- Increased customer conversion rates for those who are looking to make an immediate purchase
Research shows that about 50% of users will immediately go to the search bar when visiting a website. The numbers speak for themselves. Give your customers what they’re looking for by adding this important feature to your site.
The 5 Best eCommerce Search Engines Strategies
Adding a search engine to your website is not a one and done task. The overall goal here is to make sure your customer can easily find your products or services without a hassle. You can have a search engine on your site but if it increases customer frustration how useful is it?
Here are some features and tips we think you'll find useful when looking to use an eCommerce search engine.

1. Site Search Visibility
Your site search function should be easy to find on your website. Users shouldn't have to scour through every tab available to find the tool that is supposed to help them navigate your website. While space conservation is important to most, you can save space while still making the search bar visible. Always try to place your site search in a place customers wont overlook.
2. Use Autocorrect and Prediction
How many times have you visited a website with the idea of what you're looking for, but you can't remember the exact name. Don't expect your customers to be know-it-alls. Chances are they wont always know the correct product spelling. Sometimes they wont even know the product they’re looking for at all.
This is where functions like autocorrect and prediction come into play. Once a customer begins typing your search function should begin to list suggestions before they even finish. In addition, you should try to add product image results as well. This is a lifesaver for customers struggling to find what they are looking for.
3. Go Heavy On the Filters
eCommerce sites that provide customers with the option to filter search results are fan favorites. Your customer should have free reign with how they choose to search. Filters price range, color, and department make your site more user friendly. The number one goal is to keep your customers happy. This means tailoring your site to their needs. In the end it will lead to repeat buyers and a full shopping cart.
4. Don't Forget Your Mobile Users
Not every customer is shopping via laptop. A vast majority of purchases are made from a smartphone. Therefore, you need to make sure that your site is mobile friendly. Don't make the search button so small it's hard to click. In fact, the mobile search function should be easier to use than the desktop version.
5. Use Search Analytics and SEO
Don’t get so caught up in web design that you forget about target content and important SEO terms. A simple analytics resort will be able to tell you what your frequently searched items are. From there you can dive deeper and provide unique features like checklists to aid in making a purchase decision.
The more targeted content you have the more likely you are to appear in related search results.

Best eCommerce Search Software
Now that you know how to build an eCommerce website and the best ways to use them, how do you choose the right one? Nobody knows your business better than you do. So choosing what works best is up to you. However, we can provide you with a few providers that might fit your needs.
Here are three eCommerce search engines to look into:
- Searchanise: Searchanise is a popular customization tool that facilitates search features. It offers fully customizable filters, provides detailed search analytics, and even offers product recommendations. You can get started with a free trial and demo.
- InstantSearch: Another great eCommerce marketplace app. Unique from its competitors, InstantSearch has a built-in AI that learns as you go!
- Doofinder: Then, there is Doofinder. It operates with a customized algorithm that learns your users' search behaviors. With this data it can increase sales up to 20%!
- BlueCart: Last, but certainly not least is BlueCart. We’re a fully operational digital storefront that operates a wonderful search engine optimization tool as well as a marketplace platform. There are no setup or monthly fees and we ensure that your website is optimized for web and mobile use. If you’re looking for something that eliminates the need for multiple applications, BlueCart is the Solution. Book a demo to see how we can meet your needs.
Now that you’ve got your tools all that’s left to do is start! Check out one of our blogs to learn more about BlueCart eCommerce!