How to Make Beef Tallow and Sell It Online In 2024

Lauren Platero
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    Learning how to make beef tallow is a super easy process. It requires very few materials and doesn’t involve the use of high-level equipment or machinery. In fact, many small businesses are able to maximize revenue by ditching costly facilities and making beef tallow from their kitchen. 

    That’s right–some of the best beef tallow products on the market come from small brands. Each business owner is then able to run a tight ship and specialize in beef tallow specifically. As a result, surpassing the competition and implementing product differentiation in an already niche market becomes much more feasible. 

    In this blog post, we’re going to explain how to make beef tallow from scratch. You won’t believe just how easy it is! Then, we’ll cover some information on selling beef tallow online. Now, let’s begin!

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    How to Make Beef Tallow In 7 Easy Steps 

    Learning how to make tallow is a very straightforward process. See below to learn how to do it in just seven simple steps.

    1. Gather the Right Tools 

    Before you can begin making beef tallow, you need to have the right materials on hand. However, don't stress too much about acquiring supplies! Most, if not all the items you'll need might already be in your kitchen. 

    • Beef suet
    • A sharp knife
    • A large pot or slow cooker 
    • A strainer or cheesecloth 
    • Airtight glass jars 
    • Labels and a pen

    Once you have all these items in your possession, you can begin making beef tallow.

    2. Prepare the Beef Fat or “Suet”

    Before you start rendering beef tallow, you need to make sure that you cut the fat. So, use a sharp knife to cut up the suet into small pieces. Taking a few extra minutes to complete this step will ensure that the tallow renders evenly. Then, when you get to the step where you have to strain the tallow, you won't end up with bits of fat in the final result. . 

    3. Render the Beef Fat 

    Knowing how to render beef tallow is the focal point of the entire process. If you're using a large pot or saucepan, cook the suet over low heat and occasionally stir. This process should take a few hours for the suet to purify and completely liquify. If you choose to use a slow cooker, the process is the same aside from the timeline. 

    Instead of it taking a few hours, a slow cooker will take anywhere from eight to ten hours. So, definitely start rendering the tallow in the earlier part of the day. Now that you know the specifics of how to render tallow, you're almost at the tail end of the whole process.

    4. Strain the Tallow 

    With a strainer that you would use for different types of pasta or a cheese cloth, strain the tallow. Simply pour the liquid contents into a separate container. The sole purpose of this step is to remove any solid bits that were leftover from the rendering process. Due to the natural texture of beef suet, it’s normal to have some amount of clumps after straining the tallow. But to limit solid pieces as much as possible, cut the suet into tiny pieces.

    5. Let the Tallow Cool

    Before you store the fresh tallow in airtight containers, make sure you let it cool. Once it reaches room temperature, the product will solidify. Filling containers won’t be as messy that way as it could be when pouring a liquified oily substance.

    6. Package the Tallow

    We recommend purchasing airtight glass jars in bulk from a supplier that sells wholesale packaging. For one, containers like mason jars will ensure that moisture and air don’t seep into the product. But also, buying anything in bulk allows you to acquire goods at a lower unit price. 

    Once you package the fresh beef tallow in jars, label each of them with the expiration date. Simply add the date the tallow was rendered and remember that it usually lasts no longer than a year. Then, store them in the refrigerator or a cool and dark place.

    7. Enjoy

    There are many benefits of tallow. Not only is beef tallow great when cooking food, but using beef tallow for skin products is ideal. After all of the fresh tallow you’ve made from following the previous steps is packaged, keep a jar  accessible. From cooking routines to beauty regimens, you’ll be blown away by the perks of adding beef tallow to your lifestyle.

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    How to Sell Beef Tallow Online In 2024

    Now that you know how to make beef tallow, it’s time to launch a business selling it. Luckily, anyone with an entrepreneur mindset has a variety of ways that they can distribute beef tallow as well as tallow-infused products. Some of the best ways to sell such products include:

    Give customers multiple options for where to buy beef tallow. It’ll help expand your customer reach and create a solid sense of inclusivity. 

    Frequently Asked Questions About How to Make Beef Tallow

    Even though the process of learning how to make beef tallow is simple, there’s still more to discuss! From its shelf life to its benefits, discover more about this powerhouse ingredient below:

    Is Learning How to Make Beef Tallow At Home Difficult?

    No, learning how to make beef tallow is an extremely easy process–even in the comfort of your own kitchen. All you have to do is slice the suet, cook it for a few hours to purify and liquify it, strain the tallow, let it cool, and store it. It’s that simple!

    How Long Does Beef Tallow Last In a Room Temperature Environment?

    Beef tallow can anywhere from six to twelve months in a room temperature environment. Just make sure that you store it in airtight containers, keeping it far away from light and moisture. That’s how you’ll prolong the longevity of fresh beef tallow. If you possess excessive quantities of it, it can stay fresh for much longer in the freezer.

    Can You Use Any Beef Fat for Tallow?

    It’s recommended that when making tallow, you use the leaf fat that comes from around the cow’s kidneys. Fat from this part of the animal’s body has a much milder flavor than other areas. That’s why the debate between tallow vs lard is so prevalent–the lack of scent and flavor makes it a super versatile cooking fat.

    Where Should I Sell Organic Beef Tallow?

    You should begin selling organic beef tallow online through an eCommerce site. If you want to distribute it to retail stores, it’s vital that you leverage a wholesale distribution platform. That way, consumers have multiple channels to buy your products from, ultimately driving sales and brand exposure over time.

    What Are the Advantages of Beef Tallow?

    One of the greatest advantages of beef tallow is its smoke point. When cooking with beef tallow, it can reach about 400 degrees and still remain safe to consume. This is a stark contrast to other cooking oils, like canola and soybean oil. Not only are these oils major causes of inflammation and other conditions, but they aren’t suitable for high temperatures. Plus, beef tallow is full of fat-soluble vitamins and healthy fatty acids.

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    Now You Can Make and Sell Beef Tallow 

    Some entrepreneurs who know how to make beef tallow run small businesses. Others leverage tech solutions to expand their reach and sell products to the masses. With the tips sprinkled throughout this article, the way in which you approach a beef tallow business is up to you.

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