White and private label frozen fruit brands make up a large portion of frozen food aisles. Meanwhile, the best frozen fruit brands are what make up menu items in many cafes, smoothie shops, and frozen yogurt business models. So what’s the difference between white vs. private label brands?
In simple terms, it all boils down to the accessibility of certain products. While private label frozen fruit brands are loyal to just one retailer or restaurant business, white label products are scattered around the F&B space.
In this blog post, we’re going to compare and contrast the differences between white and private label fruit companies. From key differences in distributing goods to the buyer’s perception of them, we’ll cover everything you need to know. Now, without further ado, let’s begin!

Private Label Frozen Fruit: Definition
So, what is private label branding in the frozen fruit sector? A private label frozen fruit brand is one that sells products exclusively to a specific business. Once a business or retailer signs a private label contract with a wholesale frozen fruit distributor, they can no longer sell to anyone else.
Examples of Private Label Frozen Fruit Brands
You come in contact with white or private label frozen fruit brands every time you visit the grocery store or smoothie shop. However, it’s much easier to identify private label brands. After all, they’re exclusive to specific businesses. As of March 2024, some of the most well-known private label frozen fruit brands include:
- Great Value, which is one of the Walmart private labels.
- Specialty Selection, which you can find at Aldi.
- Private Selection, which is a private label brand found in Kroger.
- 365 Everyday Value, which is a common favorite at Whole Foods Market.
- Kirkland Signature, which also carries wholesale frozen vegetables at Costco.
Not all major retailers carry private label produce. For instance, there isn’t a Target private label in this department. It’s important for wholesalers to keep an eye on these opportunities, as partnering with a particular retailer could be a very profitable venture.
White Label Frozen Fruit: Definition
Do you ever notice that some produce brands are almost identical to one another? That’s because they probably are! White label frozen fruit suppliers are those that sell products to multiple businesses. Then, those individual companies package and market them according to their brand’s guidelines. Since the consumer goods companies are handling all of the rebranding, the manufacturer can charge a very reasonable price.
Distribution Channels of White vs. Private Label Frozen Fruit
Frozen fruit wholesalers can utilize numerous distribution channels depending on who their customer(s) are. Even brands that take part in the frozen fruit vs fresh fruit discussion can use the same distribution methods for their fresh produce. But is frozen fruit as healthy as fresh fruit? Well yes, actually–thanks to streamlined distribution channels that get products to the customer safely and on time. See below for what distribution channels might look like for white vs. private label brands:
Distributing White Label Frozen Fruit
The ways in which white label frozen fruit brands are distributed can seem a bit vague. That’s just because they get distributed through multiple channels. White label brands can sell to wholesalers, manufacturers, and retail businesses. These products will then exist on shelves under various brand names. So even though the white label brand can keep track of who is purchasing their products, it’s not clear to the consumer.
Distributing Private Label Frozen Fruit
When a restaurant brand or grocery store purchases private label products, they’re sold exclusively to them and nobody else. Then, these products are sold to the customers under the private label’s name.
Pricing Structure of White vs. Private Label Frozen Fruit
Almost all white label brands charge prices on the lower end of the spectrum. However, not all private label brands are super expensive. There are many factors that contribute to the costs of both types of consumer goods. Keep reading to learn about the key differences:
White Label Frozen Fruit Pricing
White label frozen fruit brands are often less expensive than private label brands. That’s because the wholesale distribution company isn’t partaking in branding efforts. It can cost a small fortune to print branded packaging and abide by a brand’s marketing efforts. But when you sell white label products, you’re supplying customers with the bare minimum. As a result, many businesses and retailers can keep costs fairly low despite charging a profitable markup.
Private Label Frozen Fruit Pricing
Retail businesses and restaurants that purchase goods from a private label brand should anticipate higher costs. For one, they tend to offer better products since they’re only operating with a single client. Plus, private label brands offer branding services. Thanks to adding logos and custom designs that adhere to a specific brand guide, companies often get what they pay for when investing in premium products. As a result, private label companies can be pricey.
Packaging and Branding White vs. Private Label Frozen Fruit
Packaging materials and product branding efforts will look drastically different when comparing white vs. private label frozen fruit brands. See below for the two distinctions:
Packaging and Branding White Label Frozen Fruit
When it comes to how white label frozen fruit is packaged, branding isn’t exactly part of the equation. Wholesale fruit suppliers use generic packaging since they ship products to multiple brands. The most that food service and grocery businesses should expect to see is standard information about the product. Nutrition labels, fruit classification, and weight are typically what you’ll find on white label frozen fruit packages.
Packaging and Branding Private Label Frozen Fruit
Private label frozen fruit manufacturers work with retailers to customize the packaging and branding efforts. After all, they do have exclusive licensing deals with these companies. When designing custom packaging, the logo, branded visuals, and slogans will be added to the bags of frozen fruit. It’s the manufacturer’s job to adhere to branding guidelines for their clients. As a result, brands can attract customers to exclusive products without having to harvest their own fruit.
Customer Perception of White vs. Private Label Frozen Fruit
Private label frozen fruit brands are those with distinct branding. That’s because private label products are affiliated with a particular brand exclusively, hence the word “private.” Meanwhile, it’s safe to say that the whole point of white label products is to be as generic as possible. After all, it’s up to a white label brand’s customers to market their products. Read on to discover the ways customers perceive white vs. private label frozen fruit brands:
How Customers Perceive White Label Frozen Fruit
When customers purchase white label frozen fruit, it’s as if the brand they’re buying from harvested the fruits themselves. With statements like “our mission,” “our selection,” or “we provide customers,” the public doesn’t envision the brand sourcing their fruit from a third-party wholesaler. While each white label brand sells to numerous retailers, branding efforts can make it hard to pinpoint two or more companies selling the same fruit.
How Customers Perceive Private Label Frozen Fruit
A sense of exclusivity often prompts customers to perceive private label brands as being of higher quality than others. But in some cases, customers will view it as the retailer’s value brand. It’s all a matter of how you market private label frozen fruit. For instance, Walmart’s Great Value brand might seem like the cheap alternative to more expensive products. Meanwhile, a grocery store like Fresh Market that brands itself as more upscale might have a higher-end private label brand.

Surpass Competing White or Private Label Frozen Fruit Brands
White and private label frozen fruit brands can use BlueCart to streamline order management and maximize operational efficiency. With help from real-time inventory management tools, frozen fruit distributors can improve procurement processes and customer satisfaction. Does a platform like this pique your interest? If so, book a demo today to learn all about it!