Tea Varieties for Restaurant Menus: The Best Options

Nick Mirev
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    According to market research, after water, tea is the second most popular drink in the world. The main reason behind it is that it’s a traditional drink for many countries with large populations like India, China, and Japan. With the latest restaurant technology, restaurant managers can buy wholesale coffee and tea products with just a few clicks. Tea varieties from every corner of the world can become a part of your venue’s exquisite tea menu. In this blog article we’ll share more on why a reputable restaurant should have a separate tea menu, what are the most popular tea varieties, and how your business can benefit from offering them.

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    Why Have a Tea Menu in a Restaurant?

    As the role of tea and coffee in restaurants is changing, reputable venues have a diverse selection of non-alcoholic beverages. In order to enhance the dining experience for their guests, restaurant owners can have a separate tea menu. This can not only increase the value of the service but also maximize revenue. If your place doesn’t have a separate tea menu, consider having a hot drinks menu. It can include hot alcoholic beverages like mulled wine and hot buttered rum, various teas, specialty coffee, lattes, and other coffee trends

    Different teas pair well with most types of food. Therefore, you can increase the average value of orders if your waiters offer complimenting tea options according to the dish guests chose. 

    Key takeaway: A restaurant should have the most popular tea varieties in their menu. Tea pairs very well with food and having different sorts and blends of tea will increase a restaurant value and profit. Strong tea types sometimes serve as a substitute for coffee.
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    The Best Tea Varieties for a Restaurant

    Tea lovers can be very picky about their favorite drink. However, they also enjoy some of the classical tea selections. Allow us to share the top suggestions for tea variations you should include in your restaurant’s menu.

    Earl Grey Tea

    It is probably the most popular tea blend worldwide and one of the drinks every bartender should know. As it’s not a trademark, there are numerous variations of this tea. Generally, it’s made from black tea leaves flavored with bergamot oil. Some tea drinkers combine it with milk and sugar or lemon and sugar while others prefer it plain.

    Green Tea

    Green tea is a preferred option by many not just for its delicious taste but also for the health benefits and antioxidant properties. Its calming and fresh taste is a good option for any time of the day. Some restaurants serve cold green tea varieties as well. A good example of such variation is the green tea Frappuccino. Consider adding it to your summer seasonal menu.

    Chamomile Tea

    Made from dried chamomile flowers, this tea brings a slightly sweet and floral flavor to the table. It has many health benefits too. It’s good for your sleep, helps with digestion, eases sore throat, and reduces inflammation.

    Darjeeling Tea

    Also called the “champagne of teas”. Its name comes from the district in India where it’s grown. Darjeeling has a light and floral aroma. It’s slightly astringent taste combined with fruity, flowery, and woody aroma notes makes it a preferred option for many tea lovers. 

    Jasmine Tea

    The combination of green tea and jasmine flowers is a refreshing option for every season. It pairs especially well with seafood, salads, desserts, and Chinese food. Jasmine tea has floral notes with hints of sweetness. 

    Oolong Tea

    This traditional Chinese tea can have a wide range of flavors. Its versatileness means it can pair well with both light dishes, like salads, and rich ones, like pasta or meat. It’s sometimes referred to as “blue tea” because it shares notes with both green and black teas.

    Peppermint Tea

    This refreshing beverage is among the preferred options for tea lovers during after dinner service. Peppermint tea is slightly sweet, so it’s rarely mixed with sugar. The mint herb helps freshen the breath after eating and also aids with digestion. Dried peppermint leaves are also used in a variety of tea blends. Their specific refreshing flavor complements well other teas.

    Yerba Mate Tea

    The earthy flavor of Yerba Mate tea is a great addition to the restaurant menu. This type of tea is slightly bitter and has stimulating effects. If your guests are not into strong espresso drinks, maybe this will be a great option for them. Among the traditional Yerba Mate tea pairings are bold and spicy dishes, complimented by the drink’s bitterness. This tea goes well with desserts too. Recommended ones are caramel or chocolate ones as their strong flavor is met by the earthy flavor of the drink.

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    Ice Tea Varieties for a Seasonal Menu

    Ice teas are among the favorite beverages for restaurant guests during the hot summer days. They are especially popular for breakfast or a lunch, but some people enjoy a cold sweaty glass of ice tea with their dinner as well.

    Iced Green Tea

    Like its hot counterpart, iced green tea is a very popular option to include in a seasonal summer menu. The grassy and sweet flavors pair excellently with many dishes. 

    Iced Black Tea

    The earthy and bold flavor of a cold black tea is a classic choice for tea enjoyers. By adding citrus fruits, it can also be made into a lemonade. A strong iced black tea can also be an alternative to a cold brew coffee.

    Iced Fruit Tea

    Many people eat more fruits during the summer days. They are a light and easy to digest food. That is why, it is no wonder that iced fruit teas are a preferred food pairing. Coon options include peach, raspberry, lemon, lime, strawberry, and orange.

    Iced Herbal Tea

    Many people enjoy the freshness of mint in their drinks. Many herbal iced tea recipes include ingredients such as mint, chamomile, hibiscus, dried rose petals, and mugwort.

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    Frequently Asked Questions about Tea Varieties

    If you’re a owner in the food and beverage industry, and are considering creating a separate tea menu, you might have many questions about different tea varieties. Allow us to answer some of them. 

    What Is the Most Popular Tea Variety?

    Black tea is considered to be the most popular type of tea. Whether it’s the classic Earl Grey tea, breakfast blend, or southern sweet tea, people everywhere enjoy a cup of this hot beverage.

    Tea or Coffee, Which One Is More Popular?

    Americans love coffee. It’s the second most popular drink after water. Recently, there are even businesses offering cold brew subscription boxes to coffee brewing enjoyers. However, tea is still a very common choice, especially for people who don’t like the effects of caffeine. There are also tea enthusiasts who will always pick a cup of their favorite drink instead of coffee.

    What Are Good Tea Pairings?

    Both rich and light dishes pair well with tea. Probably the most popular combination is tea with desserts. Just like with wine pairing, the drink should complement the food, not overwhelm it. Therefore, don’t opt for a strong tea if you’re having a light dessert or other food. Light dishes pair well with green or fruit teas. Spicy food can be complemented by the cooling effect of mint or chamomile tea. Rich dishes like seasoned meats go well with a cup of bold black tea.

    How Many Tea Varieties Exist?

    It is believed that there are over 3000 types of tea. Each of them has specific characteristics and flavors. There are six main groups of teas: black, white, green, yellow, oolong, and pu-erh.

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