Hi Frederick, it's great to meet you! My name is Brad and I work on the marketing team here at BlueCart. If you can give me some background on your company and how long you've been with BlueCart, that would be great.
We've been using BlueCart since August 2020.
Awesome, glad to hear it. What were you using to invoice customers prior to BlueCart?
We were using Excel. We would basically create each invoice in an Excel sheet and send it to customers. This took a lot of time as each invoice had to be created manually.
Makes sense. It sounds like switching to BlueCart was a smart upgrade. What kind of time or cost savings have you noticed since moving from Excel sheets to our invoice features?
We can log into our dashboard and see all invoices right away, so we don't have to track down invoices individually. We can see all of that information in one place, which makes it so much easier.
Glad to hear that's been helpful for Shifty's! How has using our platform–and payment processing specifically–helped you reach your business goals?
We can track payments a lot faster and easier with BlueCart. It doesn't require as much follow-up with clients for past due invoices.

Yeah, absolutely. Do you know how much time it's saved per transaction or per client?
I’d say about 15 to 20 minutes per transaction.
Okay, excellent. How likely were your clients to go past due before billing them through BlueCart?
Our customers used to take more time to pay, but since using BlueCart they'll often pay in the same week, or even the same day. That's been really nice.
Awesome, that's really good to hear. That time savings becomes hours over the course of one week or more. Do you have any feedback from your clients about paying through BlueCart?
It's been easier for our customers to pay through BlueCart too. They've appreciated any of the features you have been able to add to the platform.
Great, we appreciate that. Are there any other payment processing features that have benefited your business or other BlueCart features that help your company?
We use Order History pretty often. We like the fact that you’re adding new features whenever you’re able to, as well.
Sounds great! That's all the questions I had for you. Do you have any questions for me or anything you'd want to add?
Using BlueCart has been a big help for us. Whenever I reach out to the team, whether that's Frank or anyone else, they always respond right away. Like even this morning, when I needed the link for the call, you responded quickly. We appreciate the fast turnaround times.
That feedback means a lot! Thank you so much, Frederick. Have a great rest of your week.
Alright. Thank you, you too.
Alright, bye.

Want to save time and money with your own invoices? Book a demo now or to see how you can.